Development of ACTRIS-UBB infrastructure with the aim of contributing to pan-European research on atmospheric composition and climate change – ACTRIS-UBB





The project is co-financed by the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Funding Priority A1 – Research, development and innovation supporting economic competitiveness and the development of businesses, Action 1.1.1: Large R&D infrastructures (A: investments for R&D departments of enterprises & B: Projects for innovative clusters).

The project was ranked first in the competition, its total value being 22,264,758.58 lei, of which the non-reimbursable financial assistance is 22,149,238.01 lei.



17.07.2020 – 31.12.2023



The ACTRIS-UBB project is aimed at creating a state-of-the-art infrastructure dedicated to high-quality observation of short-lived atmospheric constituents. The infrastructure will be included in the pan-European Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS RI) and it will represent an infrastructure of major interest for ESA`s Earth Observation ground segment. The ACTRIS-UBB research infrastructure will include ground-based observation facilities, associated laboratories and data centers that contribute significantly to Earth observation activities.



Establishing the Cluj Atmospheric Remote Sensing Observatory (CARO) – CARO will be equipped with the necessary equipment that enables the continuous and long-term observations of aerosols and cloud properties and will be an active participant in the European environmental research infrastructure, ACTRIS-RI.


Acquiring state-of-the-art equipment in atmospheric research – Laboratoarele noi se vor dota cu echipamente de cercetare a aerosolilor și a norilor prin metode de teledetecție și in-situ (fotometru solar și lunar; radiometru în microunde pentru măsurarea profilelor de umiditate și temperatură; sistem LIDAR Doppler de vânt; ceilometru; radar de nori; analizor al distribuției dimensionale a particulelor (APS); spectrometru pentru monitorizarea continuă a speciilor chimice de aerosoli (ACSM). Pentru monitorizarea gazelor atmosferice de interes, precum și pentru prelevarea de eșantioane necesare instrumentelor in-situ se va achiziționa un autolaborator pentru investigații în coloană și in-situ (laborator mobil cu sistem LIDAR aerosoli și stație meteo).


Establishing a data center, equipped with high-performance IT systems – The equipment will be connected to the new Data Center (CARO DC), equipped with the necessary IT equipment in order to store and process the incoming data. Also, the CARO DC will be connected to the Babeș-Bolyai University’s existing HPC cluster.


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