Danube TMF Project

Danube TMF Project

General description:

The project aims to improve the management and technical skills and knowledge related to the operation and control of the TMFs. National TMF operators and environmental inspectors will be trained how to properly assess the safety of the TMFs by using the tailings hazard index and checklist methodology and how to develop a remediation program containing recommended short-, mid- and long-term measures to improve the safety.

Duration of the project:

  • 2019-2020.


  • German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) for environmental protection in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries neighboring the European Union


  • International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) – Applicant, lead partner
  • „Sustainable Development Platform” NGO (Ukraine) – partner
  • Research Institute for Sustainability and Disaster Management based on High Performance Computing (ISUMADECIP), Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania) – partner

Expected Results:

  • Contribute to narrowing the knowledge gaps and to raising awareness on TMFs and their hazards in the DRB;
  • Ensure to respect a common set of minimum standards and safety requirements in the DRB;
  • Strengthen the technical and management capacity at the concerned facilities and responsible authorities
  • Promoting and further completing a previously developed detailed checklist method based on UNECE “Safety Guidelines and Good Practices for TMFs” to evaluate TMF safety and to recommend measures to improve safety conditions;
  • Organising ensample regional trainings for TMF operators, environmental inspectors and competent authority experts to deepen their knowledge on TMF management (Phase I: in Romania, Phase II: to be applied for 2020, in Serbia).
  • Providing recommendations for developing national training programs.

First regional training organised in Cluj-Napoca, 1-3 October, 2019

The first regional training course was attended by 24 representatives of authorities responsible for TMF safety from 5 countries of the Danube River Basin (RO, HU, CZ, RS, UA).

The participants were facilitated by a group of trainers composed of 14 international experts from 6 countries (DE, AT, RO, HU, CZ, AM).

The first day was dedicated to the introduction of the Checklist Methodology, a comprehensive assessment tool for TMF safety.

The second day the participants completed a visual inspection of the Aurul TMF from Baia Mare. At the field exercise they were accompanied by the representatives of the TMF operator.