The importance of useful arthropod fauna in limiting wheat pests in the center of Transylvania AM VĂLEAN, D MALSCHI, F RUSSU, A TĂRĂU, L ŞOPTEREAN, ... LIFE SCIENCE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2 (1), 128-134, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Soybean integrated pest management for promoting sustainable agriculture under climate change F Mureșanu, D Malschi, L Suciu, F Chețan, C Urdă, L Șopterean, ... Romanian Journal for Plant Protection 13, 9-20, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
Retrospective and perspective on the importance of wheat pests in the center of Transylvania. D Malschi, AM Vǎlean, ID Dǎrab, A Tǎrǎu, L Şopterean, F Chețan, ... | | 2019 |
The influence of the different tillage systems on the abundance of pests in the soy culture, in the conditions of the Transylvania plain. F Chețan, F Mureşanu, D Malschi, C Chețan, L Suciu | 1 | 2019 |
New data on wheat pests and their integrated control in the conservative no tillage soil system in Transylvania D Malschi, AM Vălean, ID Dărab, AD Tărău, L Şopterean, F Gheţan, ... ProEnvironment Promediu 12 (38), 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Isotherm and kinetic modelling of Toluidine Blue (TB) removal from aqueous solution using Lemna minor E Neag, D Malschi, A Măicăneanu International journal of phytoremediation 20 (10), 1049-1054, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
The Importance of Integrated Pest Control on Wheat Crops Production, during 2015-2016, at Agricultural Research-Development Station Turda. ID DĂRAB, D MALSCHI, AM VĂLEAN, C CHEŢAN, R KADAR, I OLTEAN Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine …, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Research on wastewaters bioremediation with aquatic species for constructed wetlands. D Malschi, L Muntean, I Oprea, C Roba, G Popiţa, L Ştefănescu, ... Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 17 (7), 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Phytoremediation of polluted water from Roșia Montană mining area. AD Petaca, D Malschi, E Levei, C Tanaselia, C Nicoară, E Rînba | | 2018 |
Identification and monitoring of useful enthomophagous arthropods fauna from the winter wheat crop in two agroecosistems from the center of Transylvania. AM VĂLEAN, D Malschi, F MUREŞANU, L ŞOPTEREAN, L Suciu, ... Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture …, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Wheat pest dynamics, forecasting and current importance of the attack to develop integrated control system in the center of Transylvania (ARDS Turda, 2006-2016) D Malschi, AD Tărău, AM Vălean, L Şopterean, AL Suciu, ID Dărab, ... Romanian Agricultural Research 35, 203-220, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Preliminary Research on the Wheat Pests and on Their Integrated Control during 2015-2016, at Agricultural Research-Development Station Turda. ID DĂRAB, D MALSCHI, AM VĂLEAN, AD TĂRĂU, C CHEŢAN, I OLTEAN Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine …, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Research on the entomocenotical risk situations of wheat crop at ARDS Turda. D Malschi, F Mureșanu, AD Tărău, AM Vălean, C Chețan, N Tritean | | 2016 |
Climate warming in relation to wheat pest dynamics and their integrated control in Transylvanian crop management systems with no tillage and with agroforestry belts. D Malschi, AD Tărău, R Kadar, N Tritean, C Chețan | 16 | 2015 |
Research on wastewater phytoremediation using aquatic species for heavy metals phytoextraction and bioaccumulation. D Malschi, IC Oprea, L Ştefănescu, GE Popiţa, DI Brăhaiţa, E Rînba, ... Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 14 (11), 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Environmental public goods associated with agriculture practice of integrated wheat pest management D Malschi, F Mureşanu, R Kadar, AD Tărău, AM Vălean, N Tritean, ... Advances in Environmental Sciences 7 (2), 298-308, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Phytoremediation study of water polluted with heavy metals using floating macrophytes: Lemna minor and Pistia stratiotes. ID Brăhaița, D Malschi, EG Popița | 3 | 2015 |
Radionuclides (137Cs) phytoextraction possibilities within the soil using grass crops (Lolium perenne L., Hordeum distichum L.). A Lupulescu, D Malschi, C Cosma | 2 | 2015 |
Current Importance of Wheat Pests in the Cultural Technologies of Soil No-Tillage Conservative System and of Antierosional Agroforestry Curtains System, in Transylvania D Malschi, AD Ivaș, AM Vălean, F Chețan, N Tritean, C Chețan, I Pataki ProEnvironment Promediu 8 (22), 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
New Entomocoenotic Particularities and Integrated Pest Control in Transylvanian Wheat Crops Under the Impact of Climate Warming. D MALSCHI, F MUREŞANU, R KADAR, AD Tărău, AM PĂCURAR, ... Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine …, 2014 | 1 | 2014 |