BIOTraCes: Biodiversity and Transformative Change for plural and nature positive societies. Project 101081923

BIOTraCes: Biodiversity and Transformative Change for plural and nature positive societies. Project 101081923

 Protecting nature across Europe: Our EU-project BIOTraCes is a big booster for biodiversity. Ecovillages, rewilding river sides, protecting ancient herding traditions. These are only a few of the nine case studies we will perform to transform.


Kick-off meeting 8-10.02.2023, Wageningen,The Netherlands

It´s a premiere: Our live meeting at Wageningen Research

And what a great first face-to-face meeting it was at the WUR Wageningen campus: Living proof of how smoothly and creatively 30 people from nine European nations can collaborate. The overall goal of the project is to increase biodiversity in Europe. Therefore, our researchers will develop a Theory of Transformative Change. It will be based on the results of the nine case studies and includes ecological, political, and societal aspects.

Inside BIOTraCes: To give an overview of the nine case studies, our BIOTraCes partners produced short films. Some of them will be published on our BIOTRaCes social media channels soon. Also, our communication partner ESCI filmed the ecovillage site in Wageningen with one of the initiators. This is one of the nine case studies – a sustainable, nature-inclusive ecovillage at a beautiful spot in Wageningen.

Inside UBB case study: We aim to change stakeholders’ attitudes and perceptions about HNVf (High Nature Value farmland) ecosystem services as a premise for a future behavioral change that will support the preservation of HNVf. Additionally, we hope to foster an attitude shift in how consumers value the role of HNVf in providing food quality and social and environmental benefits through the HNVf food label. UBB team: R. M. Petrescu-Mag, T. Hartel, K. Reti, D.C. Petrescu.

More info on the BIOTraCes website: